Learn Quran with Tajweed and Arabic with the best Egyptian teachers from Al-Azhar university

Why Learn With Us?

There are many online websites that teach Quran and Arabic, But we think we are the best platform that offer Islamic education

High Quality Courses

our courses are prepared carefully by experts to make the educational process easy and effective

High Skilled Teachers

Native Arabic teachers who have taught hundreds of students over multiple years

Instruction and mentorship

Join our groups and contact your teacher directly at anytime

24 hour supporting

supporting and progress tracking with regular exam assessment for every student

one to one classess

make your own schedule that that is siutable for your based on your perfrences

Affordable Prices

we offer the best Islamic education at the lowest price ensuring that learning is accessible to all

Ijazah Certificates

Ijazah certificate and other certifications of completion from high credential organization

Male and Female tutors

Our tutors are native Egyptian Arabic speakers from Al-Azhar with high Ijazah

Our Courses

Quran Reading Course

Learn how to read the holy Quran properly and easily from scratches


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Islamic Studies

For you or your kids, learn basic Islamic sciences like Fiqh and Aqedah in an easy way



Tafseer Quran Course

Know the meaning of the Holy Quran and start your beautiful journey in living with the holy verses



Hifz Course

Start memorization of the Holy Quran with a one-to-one tutor that helps you in every Aya



Tajweed Course

Improve your recitation and clear your mistakes to read the Holy Quran in the best possible way



Basic Arabic Course

Start learning Arabic from scratch in a very easy and enjoyable way



Qira’at And Ijaza Course

Learn the ten Qira’at and take your Ijajza from Shiekhs with high Ijaza and many certifications



Advanced Arabic Course

Learn high-level Arabic sciences like Nahw and Sarf from expert tutors




It is very easy! Just choose the course that you would like to take and pick your monthly plan and contact us via email or WhatsApp. We have a free trial to help you determine your level and choose the suitable course


Free Courses

We have wonderful free courses in Quran reading and Tajweed, Just Apply and you will gain the access to all free courses. In addition, you can get a free trial class to evaluate your level and determine the suitable course for you

Premium Courses

In premium course you will get one to one classes from one of our expert tutors, you will be guided, monitored and your mistakes will be corrected. You will get access to all our premium resources and all other wonderful features that you will get by subscription

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, or create an account